Media Literacy, Summer 2019
Instructors: Avi Megiddo, Angela Stobaugh

Harvard Project Zero Student Surveys (online forms or print):
Adapted from Harvard Project Zero Thinking Routines
Survey Name |
To be used for: |
Online Google Form |
See / Think / Wonder |
“This routine helps students make careful observations and develop their own ideas and interpretations based on what they see. By separating the two questions, What do you see? and What do you think about what you see?, the routine helps students distinguish between observations and interpretations. By encouraging students to wonder and ask questions, the routine stimulates curiosity and helps students reach for new connections.” |
Connect / Extend / Challenge |
making connections between new ideas and prior knowledge. This form should help you address questions, puzzles and difficulties you may be having as you reflect on what you’ve been learning. |
What makes you say that? |
“This routine helps you describe what you see or know and build explanations. It promotes evidence-based reasoning.” The first student reads one of their questions. The other people in the group try to answer the question or at least to propose possible explanations and reasons. As these students share their ideas, the person asking the original questioner follows up by asking, “What makes you think so?” The group works together to build explanations rather than merely deferring to an outside source, the teacher or a textbook, to provide an answer. |
The Explanation Game |
“Through a game, a discussion is organically sparked, the group works together to build explanations rather than merely deferring to an outside source, the teacher or a textbook, to provide an answer.” |
Creative Questions |
“This routine stimulates and sustains curiosity and helps students discover the complexity of an artwork or topic.” |